Thursday, September 9, 2010

origin of Sin & Satan


After some 26 years from experiencing a life changing visitation, and receiving some knowledge of truth, I questioned the Holy Spirit about the origin of sin and the birth of Satan. I reminded him that God wanted me to know all about my adversary. I was more than just a little confused for as it is stated in the gospel penned by Saint John, chapter one, verse three: “All things were made by him; and without him was not anything made that was made”. I have continually been in an attitude of prayer petitioning God and my Lord Jesus to reveal through his word truth concerning my pondering. Recently while I was lying on my bed meditating and thinking of the things happening, I felt a stirring in my spirit. Recognizing that feeling of complete serenity, I knew it was the Holy Spirit of God speaking to me. Since I was pondering on the subject of Satan and sin, and longing for direction to comprehend and understand the truth about my adversary. What is its origin and where and how did it originate, and why did God who had a perfect environment in His heaven create, if He did, the spirit of evil, Satan the devil. Then create this earth and all the galaxies in the second heaven, and fine tune their physical properties so that their interfacing influence on each other would hold them all in harmony, then you cast that evil spirit into that earth where its corrupt influence could reign throughout this whole creation. After this, You have to come to earth yourself in the likeness of a son to overcome this evil while all the time preparing for him, and all man who have chosen curses and death over blessings and life (Deuteronomy 30:19) plus the fallen angels, a place for their final demise. At the beginning of creation of man we know the earth was without form and was void of life. Then God had His Holy Spirit, the Holy Ghost move over the face of the earth and separated the waters from land. God then made his garden located west of Eden, therefore the name. It was perfect in all ways and is a picture of what God intends for his created human family, and it will be again after his kingdom has physically been established on earth, that will be accomplished during the millennium rein of Jesus. Remember the Lord’s Prayer, “Thy Kingdom Come, Thy will be done”. It has been declared by Jesus, and will come to pass, and that is an absolute true statement. I now will share what the spirit revealed to me.
I questioned, what all does the scripture reveal about this, and that is still not understood, and not being taught. I heard the voice within me say, go back to the beginning, so I began thinking of the creation of man, Adam and Eve and there placement in the Garden of Eden. The voice said no! Go back further, so I thought of His creation of the heavens and earth. That is exactly where he wanted me to begin, before the foundation of this world and the creation of man. He wanted me to have a more comprehensive understanding of the real beginning. His kingdom existing in the third heaven located beyond our outer space, or outside the realm of all galaxies. It has existed before the creation of the first and second heavens including the earth. It radiates His perfect love. This love will manifest His glory in man culminating in the ultimate utopia through the absolute unity and integrity of His earthly kingdom. It is destined on this earth for eternity in a purged and purified new world. All this manifests after the annihilation of Satan and all evil on this earth.
I asked the spirit that was talking to me, was the evil spirit identified as Satan, the devil, made by God and if so why? I could not comprehend that God could or would purposely create anything so vile. If the evil spirit we know as Satan was not created, is he an alien spirit that was able to infiltrate the dominion of heaven and there corrupt even the cherished anointed cherub of God that was his personal covering angel? His answer to me was no he is not a purposeful creation, nor is he an alien spirit. He was my anointed angel, but since he has become manifest through the iniquity of this angel into a spirit of evil, he has to be dealt with in judgment which is meticulously delineated within the written word. The answer to how did he become manifest is found in Ezekiel chapter 28, and alludes to Satan being the product by the power of the sinful actions and words of the renegade angel identified only as the anointed cherub. Many so called fundamental religions, and evangelist teach that this angel’s name is Lucifer. However my search of all scripture revealed that Lucifer refers to a place, such as Tyre, or Babylon, not an angel. This is the result of man attempting to interpret God’s word without the help of His Holy Spirit, and was wrongly adopted by religious men in the 3rd century AD. It is written in 2 Peter chapter1 verse 20 that no prophesy of scripture is for private interpretation. This fallen angel’s belligerent arrogance, and his self imposed unrighteousness was the source from which Satan and sin were born. God depicted him in Ezekiel 28 verses 12 through 14 as the king of Tyre, and gave him no other name. In remembrance: It is written; as a man (or angel) thinks in his heart, so is he. Therefore Satan is a separate and unique creation manifested by the transformation of God’s once anointed cherub. He once represented the epitome of wisdom and beauty in God’s Kingdom in heaven and was anointed to serve the throne of God but by his arrogance, pride and self exaltation was transformed by the power of his spoken word and his self applied iniquity into absolute evil.
The spirit then told me that man and angels were created with the same free spirit. He instructed me to meditate on this en order that I could comprehend and understand the basis of the origin of evil. It is important to realize man and angels are created with a free spirit with free choice, but angels are created having eternal life, while man is created a little lower being mortal not immortal. And for God to have limited this freedom would have been liken to the habit of man breaking the spirit of a wild animal to be a useful serving beast, or what we call domesticated, and therefore no longer free. However, he informed me that this freedom has a built-in frailty; this requires implicit dedication and self control to overcome its vulnerability to temptations with all its consequences, unless totally mastered from within.
No, God did not make a mistake when He created and anointed his cherished cherub. All men, both male and female, we are vulnerable to the same fallacy. In God’s earthly kingdom there is to be no division like that which came to pass in God’s Holy habitat when His covering angel become alienated with the virtue of love that bonds heaven into the secret place of the most high God, with an oneness of spirit having love for one another. Herein is the mystery of life: As I have stated, the Kingdom of God is within us and we must cultivate this love to maturity. Likewise so is the kingdom of this world within each of us. By our individual choices it becomes possible for us to birth in our lives a personal Satan that will dominate our life through sin which will hinder or block our ability to receive all blessings from our Heavenly Father resulting in our destruction. This can never happen if you confess Jesus as Lord of your life, and relinquish all selfness to Him and put your trust in God, but as long as Satan is active in this world he will not tire attempting to lure you into sin.
Adam and his wife he named Eve had it made because the perfect peace and love of
God was part of their inheritance and Adam was given a crown of Glory, and placed in God’s garden to maintain and dress it. In the garden were two trees, the tree of knowledge of good and evil, and the tree of life. Adam was instructed by God, not to partake of the fruit from the tree of knowledge, but not prohibited from eating the fruit from the tree of life.
What happened? Adam and Eve were deceived by the evil spirit birthed in my renegade angel and they were deceived and partook of that forbidden fruit. Before the inequity was found in him this angel had the authority of strolling among the precious stones in my Garden of Eden. He is now my adversary and therefore mans adversary also. The origin of sin and the birth of Satan originated in the kingdom of heaven by the actions and spoken word from that same renegade angel. The Holy Spirit then reminded me again, it is most important to realize that as this happened to an angel, it can also happen to man. We see this every day as people are subject to all the maladies suffered, none of which are the result of direct action of God. We have all believed the deceitful lies of Satan that these maladies are intended to strengthen our faith in God. You only have to study the life of Jesus during His earthly ministry to realize He doing the will of the Father denied no one from healing. Yes, it is possible that by our belief and spoken word we can bind ourselves in bondage to the master of all deceit, Satan. Remember God’s word of instruction in Gen. 4:7, that Satan wants you to destroy you to offend me, but you should learn to master him.
At this point in my story I think it is important to express the truth concerning the power we have in our tongue. In Mathew 12:34 through37 declares whatever thoughts are in our heart, we will speak, and for every word spoken, even idle words, we must give an account on judgment day. For by the words we speak we will either be justified or condemned. Likewise in Proverbs 18:21 we are informed that we have the power of death or life in our tongue. Relevant with this is Romans 12:2 which tells us that being evil we are conforming to this world, and to be transformed into the spiritual realm of God’s world we must renew our mind, for this way we can overcome the spirit of evil . This evil must be purged from all my creation and after the Angel Michael fought a war with Satan and his subordinate angels they all were cast out of heaven and into the earth until final judgment can be rendered. In Revelation 12:12 the word informs us that at the time of Satan’s expulsion from the Kingdom of Heaven there were inhabitants of the earth, and God’s words warn all inhabitants of the earth with these words, “Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and sea! For the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knows that he has but a short time”. God said “woe” unto man meaning an exclamation of grief, and putting more emphases on the need to master evil.
At the same time in the previous verse 10 there was a rejoicing in Heaven for, “now is come salvation, and strength, and the Kingdom of our God, and the power of His Christ”. This predicts that the best is to come. (Note: this gives credence to a scientific document I had the privilege of hearing that alleged God created the heavens and earth for a reason
First to provide an environment where Satan and all fallen angels could be incarcerated until final judgment could be rendered. These principalities and powers of evil are the spiritual enemies of God and man with which we are in our minds continually at war, and shall by the renewing of our minds master, but recognize they are angelic, and therefore very enduring.
Secondly, to provide a permanent home, or castle not made with hands for his beloved children, in his kingdom on earth after they are sanctified.
I continued to receive divine knowledge as the spirit continued. Adam’s failure to keep my commandment was an act of disobedience and is considered sinful but is not the full definition of sin. By this act sin was introduced not only into their personal life and all their future descendants, but because Adam had been given complete dominion over this creation, the entire world become subjected and enslaved to its evil forces. So just what is sin? It is the sum total of all the corruption, pestilence and afflictions with all their grief and pain, mans greed and selfishness that currently does, ever has or ever will effectively contaminate all life in, beneath, on and above the earth until it is finally judged and permanently purged from earth, and from accepted and reborn man, and all heavenly places.
I was reminded that it had not taken God very long after Adam’s disobedience to make known just what man’s personal responsibility was. Being first reminded that God had expelled from His heavenly kingdom the evil devil, Satan, and I was reminded in order for man to be accepted (sanctified) he must rule, or master sin and not let him be his master. That advice is applicable to you and me this very day. In answer to my question, how, God then revealed to me that in order that we might master sin it is imperative we apprehend and comprehend ourselves having the spirit and power of His Holy Spirit He put into us as we experienced the new birth and then most importantly, the renewing of our mind, and being able to effectively use every spiritual tool that He has provided. Knowing that we on our own do not have the efficiency to overcome the adversary, He declared that He would never forsake us nor leave us alone and unprotected with this battle, and by experiences I know He is faithful to keep His promises. His word is our mighty weapon, and I cannot over emphasize the words, ‘mighty weapon’, that are for the overthrowing, and the destruction of spiritual strongholds that impede us. (2 Corinthians 10:3-6) Although our adversary is invisible, we have the authority using the words of God, as Jesus did when tempted by Satan for 40 days and nights to defeat our enemy. God then brought to my attention He has informed us in His word that we must not be lackadaisical and think that because we have accepted Jesus as our Lord and have received the filling of the Holy Spirit that we have a free pass or have it made and have nothing more to do to master Sin. In Deuteronomy 7:11-12, God states that we shall keep and do His instructions, live in accordance with is law, and honor all his precepts that He has commanded of us in order to receive the light of His countenance upon us, and gain favor with Him and master Sin.
As a personal footnote, although this is in the Torah of the Old Testament, we who have been born again and received our new spirit, and thereby made a new creature in Christ Jesus, were then we were grafted into his family and therefore all scriptures apply equally to all of us, whether Jew or Gentile. It is a truth that in the Old Testament the New Testament is concealed, and in the New Testament the Old Testament is revealed. The whole Bible is one integrated message and we cannot comprehend and understand our Father’s instructions and His precepts without thoroughly studying both.
As I pondered on all that God was revealing to me, He reminded me I am tri-part, Flesh, Soul and Spirit and because of sin being dominate in this world since Adam succumbed to it, and Satan was cast out of heaven we all are born having a sinful nature in our flesh body which will continually lusts against the spirit He planted in us and this is why we have inherent within us a relationship whit Satan, at the same time we are not to have a fellowship with Sin. For this reason God recognizes we have at times difficulty discerning His will in our lives, but the spirit He put in us is greater than the spirit of all darkness. He then speaking to my spirit informed me that I need be diligent and study that I can affirmatively and rightly separate truth from untruth which is widely prevalent through all the media today, and thus be approved unto God. (2 Timothy 2:15) and at all times be aware of the ever present Satan, he is real. He wants every created man, but we must learn to rule and master him. No! This does not negate the covenant of Grace, we are saved by the atoning blood of Jesus, but in order that we be raised up and sanctified, it is important this too shall be accomplished. Satan and this inequity are alien to God’s kingdoms and will be judged; you are my beloved and are destined to inherit all that is mine says the Lord.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Thy Kingdom Come (up-dated)

by Franklin D Murdock
"For who has known or understood the mind (the counsels and purposes) of the Lord so as to guide and instruct [Him] and give Him knowledge? But we have the mind of Christ, the Messiah, and do hold the thoughts (feelings and purposes) of His heart."(1 Corinthians 2:16). In Mathew 6:33 Jesus directs us to first seek the Kingdom of God.
Luke 17:21 informs us not to look elsewhere for the Kingdom because the Kingdom of God is within us.
The key is to seek diligently and continually for by our seeking Jesus proclaimed in Mathew 7:7 that we would, or shall find what you seek. Isn’t it exciting to realize that we can hold the thoughts and feelings and purposes of God's very own heart in our heart? Isn't it thrilling to know the Creator of heaven and earth will be one spirit with us and transmit His thoughts to our mind? I Corinthians 6:17 says that when we were joined to the Lord we became one spirit with Him. He came into union with man so that He can talk to us heart to heart. God wants each of us in harmony with Him so that His thoughts can become our actions. He wants us to walk so closely with Him that we never lack power to overcome the evil of this world until we experience the rapture. He wants us to be so in tune with His Spirit that we are able to feel His heart of compassion toward those among us who are burdened with ignorance and lack of knowledge. He wants to be one with you and me, so He can reach out through our hands and fulfill His purposes in the earth. Make a fresh commitment today to walk in union with our God. Give your attention to His Spirit in your inner man. Determine to yield to His voice and not to the voices of the world or the flesh! Allow the mind of Christ to flow through you! And let not any temporary situation stress or master you for Jesus said whatever I have done you will also do but even more. I say to you do not allow any thought that does not edify the knowledge of God and Jesus, you, your heavenly family or your life with the life Jesus promised you abundantly.
It is written, that faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. It also says the word is God, and the word was made flesh. That means the word is Jesus. And Jesus said His sheep would hear is voice, and know Him. Hearing by the word, what does that mean? We hear by the variations of the movement of air oscillating against our ear drums. What is different, and how do we hear by the word? I will explain what through the knowledge of Him has been revealed and shown to me.I am legally blind, yet today I see more clearly the Glory of God than I was able to see a few years ago, and I hear His voice speaking to my heart every day. The following is what He revealed to me in answer to my inquisitive questions while in prayer. AGE OF UTOPIATHE PROPHECIED MILLINNIAL AGE
It is written in God's Word but not clearly defined; In fact His Word clearly states that the description of this time should be sealed until the end of days is upon us, (Daniel 12:9) I highly recommend you read this very carefully, because I believe we are now experiencing this glorious time. Relating rightly with the written Word of our Lordis a very important matter and cannot be over emphasized. The writings of the Godly men influenced by the Holy Spirit were first penned in the ancient Hebrew language and later translated into the international Greek language. The Greek language is idiomatic in that they have so many different words having distinct and separate meanings that when translated into English they are the same word. Example is in John 20 verses 5 and 8 the word "saw". In verse 5 the Greek word is Blepo meaning to behold or look at. In verse 8the Greek word is Eldos meaning to perceive and comprehend. Study and understanding the Word is necessary for faith building.All world happenings indicate we are now there, the end of days and it is imperative by our seeking His Kingdom and Righteousness’ that by His Grace He removes the Vail from the windows of our mind that we apprehend and comprehend with understanding, the purity of the true knowledge of God and Jesus. Concerning the thousand year reign of or Lord as "King of Kings and Lord of Lords" as He establishes His everlasting Kingdom, and what part we might be called on to serve Him while He rules the nations. Read Revelation 20:6 very carefully.During this time that we have before the rapture, and the return of Jesus, "The Day of The Lord”, when that day is manifest, much is being preached, taught by pastors, bible teachers, and written which I acknowledge inspired me to search God’s Word. It is about this critical and glorious time in the history of man's total and complete redemption I write. We will hear and read about being assigned positions of responsibility, about awards, and about inheriting crowns of Glory. They all are biblical. Yet, if not expressively expounding the knowledge of God and of Jesus in truth, this can become very confusing and even stressful. At this point I would like you to comprehend the culture and legalisms prevailing as men of God penned words influenced by God's Holy Spirit, the inherent uncompromising Word. They were all defendants of Israel, and their law prohibited them from inter marriage or even fraternize with anyone not of their pure lineage. To avoid such stressful mental frustrations it is written that we should study God’s word of truth to show ourselves proven unto our heavenly Father, a co-worker that need not be ashamed, being able to rightly divide the word of truth.(2 Timothy 2:15)Recognize that some scripture relates only to nonbelievers, including Israelites who have not received Jesus as their Messiah while other scripture relates to all the born again believers that have received the Holy Spirit regardless of culture or religious affiliation. Example: 1 Thessalonians verses 9 & 10, and 1Thessalonians 3 verses 14-15 and 16. In Mathew 24 Jesus warns us be diligent not to be deceived, or as written in Ephesians 4:14, “tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine…”.This millennial age has a definite purpose and goal in God's overall plan. There is only one plan and it will come to pass. To all persons who have been given a new spirit, (born again) regardless of nationality, culture, religious affiliations, or intellectual training, they will become subjects of His Kingdom. In addition to having received a new spirit, there is one more thing that has to be embellished before man can enter into God’s perfected eternity. It is attaining full spiritual maturity with the glorious knowledge of God and Jesus, the final stage of our salvation, our edification, and fullness of God in every man, being completed to be an image of his likeness, character and nature becoming one in spirit with God and Jesus and with one another. As predicted, becoming perfected, as God has declared, and it is going to take 1,000 years to separate all goats from His sheep. Eternity will be man's new and permanent habitat on His new earth with new heavens. The alternative to this would be to have ones name blotted out from the book of life before the Great White Throne Judgment day. Although, I did find that for all who have become “overcomers”, they are assured their names would not be blotted out of the book of life, (Revelation 3;5). I ask, why did God put this notice in His word if it has no meaning? I did not find biblical record of anyone who had been redeemed and was justified by Grace, and their names written in the Lamb's book of life, and later having their names blotted out. However, to have a name "blotted” out of the book, their name must have first been recorded in the book of life.To the recipients of this message, I urgently pray you open your hearts to receive the treasure and wealth of its contents. Should at first you experience difficulty with any part of its presentation, be persistent (patient) with your studies and you will hear in your heart the voice of God for the Holy Spirit will reveal God's truths. He (The Holy Spirit) initiated the origin work to record and then manifest the written word, which is the inerrant God breathed and spoken word. A helpful hint from me personally based upon my meditating and listening for His direction via His Holy Spirit is; consider one basic truth, Jesus during his earthly ministry established a priority for the overall implementation of a plan to re-unite man with God. This plan is unchanged to this day and clearly establishes more than just believers, but alludes to the abolishment of mans denominational religions, churches, differences of ideologies and cultures. The Apostle Paul penned it perfectly in Romans 2 verses 6 through 11. Inheritance worthy of His special blessings will amplify the issue that the idol of God's eye is and always will be "His
People", the Jew first, then the born again gentile. Read also Romans 12:3, "Think not too highly of yourself" and know that being faithful and obedient to diligently be a doer of His word, you will be favored. NOTE: The Bible Scripture is a very personal and intimate letter from my, Heavenly Father. It is His inerrant, uncompromising and loving word to me, (and you), and must be apprehended by the renewed and refreshed spirit of my mind to capture and retain the truth of His message. While studying His word, I change the personal pronouns to the first person, me, I, my, and mine instead of the second or third person, you, yours, our, us, they, theirs, them and those. In this way I put myself into the text of the message and feel closer to my Abba Father, God. For an example Romans 8:29, first quoting it, "For those whom He foreknew of whom He was aware and loved beforehand--He also destined from the be molded into the image of His Son [and share inwardly His likeness], that he might become the firstborn among many brethern”. (Amplified Bible} I'll now read that verse this way, "Because He has known and loved me beforehand, He also destined from the very beginning that I be molded into the image of His Son and share inwardly His likeness so that I, (by choice and obedience) shall become His servant and thus become a victor (overcomer) over evil among my fellow man". Remember, you are reading a personal and intimate letter from your loving Father. This letter (the Bible is so majestically designed and expressly reveals His nature for all that have eyes to see, and have ears to hear. Jesus said "Take heed that no man deceive you" so with that in mind, search the scriptures and ask the Holy Spirit to either confirm the truth or expose an error in this exciting and challenging saga. It is interesting to note that the word "if" is used 1,595 times in 1,420 verses, and the word "then", meaning afterword or next, is used 2,168 times in 2115 verses. Each time they are used, it denotes that some action needs be taken by man and will require of me executing my free choice. Therefore it requires more than just reading the word.Bible References:Revelation 21:7. If I am an overcomer, (master and ruler of sin in my life through the blood of Jesus), Then I shall inherit all things, and Jesus will be my God and I shall be His son."II Corinthians 13:5.This is the only scripture that authorizes me to judge. I must examine, test and evaluate myself to judge whether I am holding to faith expecting and producing acceptable fruit for the Kingdom and pleasing God. At the same time humbly recognize that the Spirit of Jesus is within me, or am I weak or even void of faith relying on God to do everything for me?Matthew 7:21.First know that Heaven is the seat of all God's government, Judgment and origin of commands and declarations that created all. One other note is Heaven was never (and is not now) meant to be the permanent habitat for man, that has always been and is today the purpose of earth. Unfortunately God's adversary has been able to infiltrate into the body of believers with deceitful doctrine. It is imperative that I, (you,) not be deceived by any scripture other than that influenced by God's Holy Spirit who is the only source of true interpretation, (2 Peter 1:20) yet I must not judge others, but I am to continually search the Scripture for His truths.Revelation 3:21, 2:26 & 27: If I am an overcomer and have been obedient without wavering, faithfully do what is pleasing to God, He will grant me (or allow me) to sit with him on His throne in the same manner that He did on the throne of His Father, but I am reminded, the servant is not grater than his master even though He may assign to me much responsibility to assist Him in His rule over all nations to accomplish the purpose of the millennial age. (Romans 12:3) "I must not think of myself more highly than I ought." (Egoism)Hebrew 1:8. This bares witness to the absolute righteousness of His rule over His Kingdom for ages upon ages, and the scepter, (rod of iron) His authority is absolute and established and according to….2 Timothy 4:8, if I am declared an overcomer, to receive a crown of righteousness for being faithful and obedient to the good works of Jesus, I may be assigned (inherit) a definite responsibility serving the King. Think of the scepter (rod of iron) not as a weapon, or a tool for punishment, it is spiritually similar to 'the rod of Moses', it being the Holy Spirit's release point of power. I will comment on only three other scripture references, not necessarily in the order in which they appear.Psalm 8:5 & 6:"For thou hast made him a little lower than the angels, and hast crowed him with glory and honor. "Thou made him to have dominion over the works of thy hands; thou hast put all [things] under his feet:" (King James Version) The previous verse starts out with the question, "What is man?" According to I Corinthians 3:6, and II Corinthians 6:1, we are to be co-workers, or co-laborers with Jesus. This is really provocative, for even the angels in God's Heavenly Kingdom did not know what God was doing. Lucifer was one of them and when he heard the blessing given to Adam, jealousy griped him, and he then put into action his diabolic scheme to steal that blessing and he succeeded. I believe it was the proverbial "straw that broke the camel's back" that sealed his doom and a patient, loving and forgiving God had him, and all power of evil expelled from His Kingdom in Heaven and cast into the earth. It matters not when but that he was expelled and become the god of this world until Jesus stripped him of all power and retrieved the blessing.Genesis3:23 & 24; After the success of Lucifer to steal God's Blessing, God removed Adam and Eve from the garden of Eden. He also blocked the entrance to the garden so they could not re-enter it. Some have considered this a punishment and the wrath of God, but it was in truth His compassionate love to keep them from taking of the fruit of the tree of life. Since by their disobedience, they had allowed Satan the right and means to afflict them with all or any of the contaminations of sin. Therefore, had they taken andeaten the fruit from the tree of life, they would have never died and had to have lived a living hell being afflicted with perpetual disease or affliction. Just think, some time in our future we will have the opportunity to meet Adam and Eve in the millennium Kingdom to come, if not before.Revelation 21:7. Read it as a personal prophecy concerning you. If or when I am victorious, (an overcomer) then I shall inherit all these things, meaning taking possession of, or be assigned a portion for which I will be responsible to produce good works, and Jesus will be my God and I will be His servant and co-worker throughout the 1,000 years of utopia. There is yet is a lot we must learn and understand and much to do. Pray that all blinded minds that are prevalent today be cleared so as to enable all men to understand God's truths in the scripture. My researching the meaning of the words, "all things" as used by John when he penned this verse revealed that they include all the forms of DECLENION. This word, according to Webster, means a trend of a downward bending or slope. Also, falling away from or falling off. This means that all that inherits rewards will have to work assisting Jesus during His reign in the millennial age by counseling and teaching with compassionate love to manifest the fullness of God in every soul before the final judgment day, and before entering into God's perfected eternity. Will we become a teacher, a servant of the King or a student? I pray you let the Holy Spirit witness to you as to the validity of my words. Remember, Jesus is Lord and To God is the Glory.I write all this to inform you to believe Jesus and be diligent for your salvation is nigh, and all they that think they are saved, unless they be born of the spirit, born again, they are in for a tragic surprise. It is not too late.