Sunday, October 23, 2011


BEING ASSURED OF SALVATIONAuthored by the Holy Ghost. and penned by Holy men of God, and delineated in His Holy Word, the Bible
Jesus is the faithful and true witness, who gives us the reliable truth that we must have in order to find life and live life as God intends. Faith and trust in Him develops in our lives, but not as a result of a personal effort to learn it, but is a gift for our diligently seeking His Kingdom. Jesus is the author and the finisher of our faith as we see His faithful and true character. His word is a vital part of this process, since it has the same character that He has. When we first received the word of God, and believed, and trusted Him to do all that He says He will do, it changed our lives. This is how we started out with God: This is when we were born again, and given true life, not of corruptible seed but incorruptible seed, through the word of God which lives and abides forever, because, as He declares: “All flesh is as grass, and all the glory of man as the flower of the grass. The grass withers, and its flower falls away, but the word of the Lord endures forever.” Now this is the word which by the gospel, the written word of God recorded in His scripture; we have divinely had the knowledge of Jesus revealed to us, and we experienced the heavenly birth of our spirit. (Given true life, born again) Then by believing, and trusting Jesus, and by faith in this truth we were adopted into the family of God in conjunction with the incorruptible, living, eternal word of God being planted like a seed into our lives. However, we must realize that getting born again is not something that we do, for we cannot by ourselves gain this wondrous status, nor is it just to miss hell, or just to receive favor from God. Our purpose now must be to please God, and to enhance our personal relation and fellowship with Him, and to be ready to lay down our lives in order to assist Him as His co-laborer, or co-worker during His purpose in the fulfillment of His plan to annihilate all evil and reestablish His relationship with man. To be His special possessions in the earth and to do whatever He tells us to do. Our top priority is to give ourselves to Him and to live in communion with Him. To spend enough time with Him that we can hear His voice and respond in obedience.
This occurred when we began to study that very intimate letter addressed to each of us from our heavenly daddy, the Bible, and we heard the good news, the gospel. We then believed the good news of Jesus Christ, and this seed germinated within us unto life eternal.After being born again by grace through faith in Christ, God's plan was that we continue to respond to His word, For this reason we should also thank God without ceasing, because when we first received the word of God, we welcomed it, not as the word of men, but as it is in truth, the word of God, which also effectively works in all who believe, and our names are recorded in the holy book of life. However, I have to alert you that it is possible through allowing what the unsaved masses of this carnal world portrays as practical to loose your salvation.. This can happen because as we begin to receive knowledge of God, and of Jesus, we are constantly being attacked by our adversary to influence us to value more the things we are familiar with in this world than the unknown truth of God’s domain. We are warned by the word of God not to deviate from our course of restoring our relationship with God, which was lost when Adam failed to obey the commandment of God not to eat the fruit from the tree of knowledge. All of the unredeemed, as well as all of their cultural networks, are under the influence of the evil one. We are vulnerable to this same fate by carelessly casting away, our confidence in the truth of His word, and promises because we allow the carnality of this world infiltrate our mind and thus, our heart.
There is also another way, and we all should be aware of it, and knowledgeable of just how it can happen, and then experience our names being blotted out of the book of Life. I have been told of a man who is a medical doctor, and was believed to be a dedicated believer who when he went to India on a mission of mercy, was so influenced by the extent of poverty, and suffering of malnutrition, he could not fathom there being a God of love, and compassion that would allow this condition to exist. He from that experience has denied there ever being a God as defined in the Gospels and fell away from God’s truth. The writer that penned God’s words in the book of Hebrews recorded these words: “It is impossible for those who were once enlightened, and have tasted of the heavenly gift, and were made partakers of the Holy Ghost, and have tasted the good word of God, and the powers of the world to come, if they should fall away, to renew them again unto repentance.” That means to restore, and to regain their salvation.
I implore you not to merely read the stories of the Bible, but to study the words and expect the Holy Spirit, the author of these words to reveal to you the concealed message they contain, and open your understanding. The Bible is the most majestically engineered, and integrated intimate message from our daddy, that merely reading the words can leave you as ignorant of the true knowledge of God and Jesus as you were before, even if you have confessed Jesus as your Lord, and received His redemption from all your inequities.
I implore you to set aside all your personal experiences wherein you seemed to be tried, and possibly viciously attacked by our adversary to sway you away from the truth. Remember, Jesus is the only faithful and true witness for the validity of God’s word that made it possible that we become heavenly knowledgeable, and our faith in our promised destiny for eternity. There is so much more that God has made available through His blessings He wants you to enjoy during this mortal life, but the real thing is the exceedingly great and wondrous life for all of us in eternity. For the best is yet to come.