Tuesday, April 17, 2012


I write this letter after much thought in meditation with prayer. I want all to know that this letter will be posted on my blog web site; “Franklin Murdock’s Books & Christian Missions”.
Although this is a personal letter to a friend, I want to share the message it contains with all that view it, and I pray it will stimulate a desire within them to seek for the absolute truth. I will not reveal the name of my friend, but if you should get a copy of it, you will know his name.
Dear Sir,
I thank you for your gracious e-mail message in which you stated that I have been a positive Influence on you. However, since I have had the fortune and pleasure to become acquainted with you, I recognize the magnitude of the responsibilities being senior vice president of human resources for such a large corporation of 647 different senior living communities in the United States that have a total of 47,000 associates and over 65,000 residents, and providing them all loving care by enriching their ebbing life with compassion, respect, excellence and integrity.
Trying to apprehend what you must face every day dealing with the vast variances of physical and mental problems you and your associates do, I am humbled, and greatly influenced. The exceedingly great and wondrous love that I have personally received from God and from your subordinates during the last five years surpasses all natural understanding, and yet I am still apprehending all that God has for me.
You, sir, and your dedicated associates may not be consciously aware that each of you has an opportunity every day to represent God in a very special way. Representing Him as His ambassador fulfilling God’s will of compassionate care for the elderly as their journey through the maze of this world nears their personal omega. I call your attention to a truth. I would like you to know, I did not choose God, He chose me just as He did Abraham a liar, or Moses a murderer, Joseph a lonely prisoner, David, a murderer and adulterer, they did not earn by their own sufficiency their positions, nor did all other saints.
These last five plus years have been a learning experience of spiritual growth, and human carnal nature, including mine, and then letting God form and shape me to be His servant in harmony with the Spiritual world of His Kingdom. I am confident that you too have experienced a like happening, or we could not have the camaraderie we do have.
God, through His anointing power of Jesus, instructed us to seek first His Kingdom, and to be transformed from this world to thatKingdom. This we have done by the renewing of our mind, and when we did, all else was given us. That Kingdom is real, and we witness to its reality. It is within the sufficiency of each born again believer to lay hold of it, for it is not hidden in a strange place, but to all who have received the precious gift of the Holy Spirit. However, being a resident of one of your communities, I have come to understand because of believing and following some religiously established customs and traditions, there is evidence of bigotry among the family of residants. This attitude prevailing in some of the precious people who are now my family, hinder their ability to envision the magnitude of the best which God has in store for them, and is yet to come. It hinders Gods manifestation of His Grace during their carnal living.
The greatest gift that any person can give themselves is to study diligently the word of God to apprehend, and understand divine truth, and the awesome power of His anointing and resurrection of our Jesus to enable Him to guide us to develop a very intimate fellowship with Him where He can reveal all truths that really sets us free from any self imposed, or Satan influenced hindrances. For by studying the Word of God, not just the verses of the Bible, you begin to hear Him talk to you through His Word. (John 8:47)
I am declaring this as an open letter so as to share it with as many that follow my blog or that whomever you, or I choose to share it with.

Sincerely your brother in Christ Jesus, and admiring friend;
Franklin D Murdock