Sunday, February 20, 2011


"For who has known or understood the mind(the counsels and purposes) of the Lord so as to guide and instruct [Him] and give Him knowledge? But we have the mind of Christ, the Messiah, and do hold the thoughts (feelings and purposes) of His heart."(1 Corinthians 2:16)
Dear Children, and friendsIsn't it exciting to realize that you can hold the thoughts and feelings and purposes of God's very own heart in your heart? Isn't it thrilling to know the Creator of heaven and earth wants to be one spirit with you and transmit His thoughts to your mind? For true divine wisdom enters your heart by God’s revelation, and knowledge fills you with joy, and understanding that will guide you safely throughout life. Keep and guard your heart being very diligent for out of your heart comes all the issues pertaining to your life.
Proverbs 2:2 and in 4:23 Then First Corinthians 6:17 says that when you were joined to the Lord you became one spirit with Him. He came into union with you unilaterally to re-establish the lost fellowship He originally established with His created man so that He can talk to you heart to heart. God wants you in this harmony with Him so that His thoughts can become your actions. He wants you to walk so closely with Him that you never lack power to overcome the evil of this world. He wants you to be so in tune with His Spirit that you are able to feel His grace with compassion toward those around you who are hurting or bowed down with sickness and pain. He wants to be one with you, so He can reach out through your heart and hands and fulfill His purposes and His will for every person who receives His grace in all the earth. Make a fresh commitment today to walk in union with your God. Give your attention to His Spirit in your inner self. Determine to yield to His voice and not to the voices of the world or the flesh! Allow the mind of Christ to flow through you! And let not any temporary situation cause any stress or bind you negating what Jesus said, “whatever I have done you will also do but even more”. I say to you do not allow any thought that does not edify you, your family or your life with the life Jesus promised you abundantly.

As the senior member of this family I take authority and pass on to you God’s blessing. WHAT IS THE BLESSIN? I have been told It is the releasing the supernatural powers of God into the life of another person’ s by the spiritual authority of the spoken word of God. It is not conveyed by thinking it but requires the spoken word in order the Blessing be transferred.