Monday, May 14, 2012

Why I Write About Issues of Life and Truths



     I had just been widowed the second time and felt that all was lost and life was over, but, a lady destined to be my third wife, named Phyllis, rescued me from the grief I had let encompass me. We were married September 2, 2000. It was the beginning of a precious time in my life as she was a true helpmeet. That same year I was influenced by some indescribable power, the Holy Spirit of God to write a story. It began as a memoir of my life to leave as a heritage for my descendants. I was constantly having my memory refreshed by reliving every event in my life, and I was viewing it all through the lens of scripture. God’s Holy Spirit guided me by revealing truths not before knowledgeable. Proof that the events I experienced are evidence of the validity of the Bible being the uncompromising, inerrant and the absolute true word of God. At the same time the Holy Spirit revealed the existence and ever present force of evil. This spirit of evil is God’s adversary who is dedicated to separate each one of us from one another, and permanently from the love of God.
      I worked diligently with a literary agency to display my unpublished work to publishing houses, but it was of no avail. After six years past, I was widowed again for the third time, and eventually found myself in a retirement and assisted living establishment due to being disabled caused by macular degeneration resulting in sight impairment. Less than one year later I am legally blind and it was impossible to use my computer to finish or make any changes to my work. However, God was not through with me or my stories which by this time were changed to being His messages. Being a World War II veteran I was invited by the department of veteran’s affairs to attend a rehabilitation program for the blind. I received training how to overcome my handicap and was given a new computer with software installed having advanced technology. The software now permits me to hear what I write as I write it and should I misspell a word it alerts me. It also will audibly read whatever is displayed on the monitor if I activate the document reader. With nothing to hinder my submerging myself into His word recorded in His Holy Bible, I had no excuse not prioritizing time to study God’s Word.
      While I gained knowledge that according to His word, is not easily comprehended because of the work of Satan for centuries past. He has since revealed certain truths to me only available through the revelation work of His Holy Spirit. While listening to the wee small voice of the Spirit of God, He expounded on the Excellency of my gaining knowledge of the power in the anointing of Jesus. The key to this knowledge was stolen or lost before the earthly ministry of Jesus by the malicious and devious work of Satan. You might ask how it was stolen. Satan was able to expound on the frailty of man, the same that was found in him when he was God’s covering angel. He was aware of man’s integrity, his dependency on his fleshly knowledge of sensory perception, his egoism, pride, self exaltations) ignorance’s all because of having the same seed of inequity that was found in him when he was God’s covering angel. Add to this world’s religious piety, political culture of legalism, all contributing to take away the key of true knowledge. This condition has not changed to this day but has worsened. I knew that I could not write or say anything that God had not already and thoroughly explained in His Word. I asked myself often, why I am doing this. I can’t add anything to what is already written but the Holy Spirit said “yes, but my children need the Key”. Many have become victims of Satan’s evil spirit and need enlightening and can relate to your stories and be able to apply their Grace given authority to overcome the now powerless adversary. I still questioned my Lord, “why me?” He told me that He chooses whosoever He wills to be His servants, and I heard Him say, “He will perfect that which concerns me and that I should forsake not the works of my own hands”. That finally did it and I stopped asking why me? I guess that I may be one of those, “whosoever’s”. He then reminded me that I should not think too highly of myself, but grow in Grace and in the ‘knowledge’ of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
     I was recently invited to attend the largest gathering of professional literary individuals, and organizations in the USA. It is known as; Book Expo America”, and is held in New York City once annually. This resulted in me understanding the magnitude of the power of the written word to influence millions of co-inhabitants of this world, and could provide me a platform from which to re-lay God’s revealed truths, and with the direct help of God’s Holy Spirit I obey, and from this day forward will put in writing God's messages for you so that you can choose wisely.

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