Friday, July 22, 2011



Can you imagine living comfortably, being married, having parents, siblings and friends, and seemingly getting along in this world just fine. Maybe that describes you today although you may be struggling to make ends meet while coping with everyday issues, and just imagine quite suddenly the Spirit of our God pays you a visit. He makes himself known and then proceeds to tell you must make a drastic change in your life, and living habits: Remove yourself from the very country you call home, and from all family members including your father’s house, and go into territory of this earth that I will lead you to, and show it unto you. This happened to a you man about 350 years after the flood in Noah’s time, and his name was Abram, later changed to Abraham. He obeyed God, and we have the relationship with our Lord today because he believed and trusted God. This depicts a challenge which is before all of us this day, and we all individually must choose to obey or deny God’s instructions to be able to overcome Satan’s evil influence in our mortal life.
The following is from a daily devotion I receive from the Kenneth Copeland ministries which I recognize as applicable to this profound message:
Have you ever been afraid to give yourself totally to the Lord because you think you might be deprived of some pleasure in this life? Chances are, you have. That's because Satan is working overtime to convince you that he can really make your life worth living. But don't believe him for a minute. The real truth is, yielding completely to the Lord won't cost you anything that's worth having. It will only cause you to live life to its fullest! Jesus' life on earth was a perfect example of a totally yielded life. He was a walking example of the benefits godly living brings. Everywhere He went, Jesus made the deaf to hear, the blind to see, the lame to walk, fulfilling the will of our Father toward His created man. He lived in perfect peace and absolute victory. This all sounds pretty good to me. All He missed out on was the devil getting dominion over Him to kill, steal and destroy. In fact, the devil couldn't do anything to Him until, by the Father's will, He laid down His life. Until that time Jesus walked in total victory over the enemy. Do you think you would miss out on a lot if you lived that way? Of course not! You can walk in that same anointing and power and glory of God that Jesus did. Do you have to give up your whole life to do it? Yes! You have to trade your carnality of life for the life of God. You have to trade your sickness for His healing, your poverty for His prosperity, your anxiety for His peace, your sin for His righteousness. So why hesitate? When it gets right down to it, you really have nothing to lose except the miseries of mortal life.

Choose to move today.

Saturday, July 9, 2011


Before reading this posting read 2Thessalonians 2:7 thru12


It was only about 100 years ago that we would occasionally hear, “EXTRA! EXTRA! REAS ALL LABOUT IT”, as the News paper street vendors would call out as breaking news became available. There was no other way as television had not been invented, and radio was very limited to wireless telegraphy, transistors, microcircuit, computers, and satellites or the internet were beyond comprehension. There were no telephones for they were not yet widely available for domestic service, for telephone service was in its infancy. Just think, there was no radio, no TV, no telephone service and probably most incomprehensible, no cell phones. The only means information was distributed was by word of mouth, or by letter, or news papers.
Seriously I believe that we have already entered into the period described as the last of days, or end of this world which will mark the return of our Lord Jesus to set-up His everlasting kingdom on this planet earth. We should be aware of every troubling, and seemingly innocent changes as they are occurring concerning our survival, for it is predicted that perilous times will begin occurring at a increasing rate during this period of time.
So be alert and prepared for these changes. The vanity of this world’s apparent technical advancement that have been gained in communications, education concerning celestial and terrestrial knowledge has resulted in the vanity of human behavior fed byIgnorance of knowledge of the nature, and character of God, and the soundless news media. There news broadcasts are mostly commentators view tempered with their own opinions without foundation resulting in their listeners believing in something that is contrary to reality, sometimes having a deep deceptive motive. This is evident in the dishonorable behavior of the political arena where selfish erroneous claims are depicted every day. In addition to this there has been an increasing satanic influence that has infiltrated not only governments with anti believers wanting to abolish our countries constitution, and Christian founded religious dogmas, and right from the church sanctuary many accursed ministers are teaching false doctrine that compromises the true word of the gospel of our Lord Jesus. In 1945 four leading nations of theis world founded the, United Nations to provide a platform upon which international court of justice with the participation of other member nations would be able to maintain total peace and harmony among all nations and territories on the face of the world, and thus eliminate forever any discord among nations. The fundamental purpose was admirable, but today its actions are anything but for the rogue nations have apparently taken control.
This all works to condition, or program our minds to be submissive to the deceptive lie, of a power seeking political figure that will sometime in the not so distant future be indentified and will trigger a period of great misery and distress over all the world as God finally executes judgment upon all mankind who have refused to obey His commandments, His ordinances , to apply His precepts, and refuse His Grace as did the people of Noah’s time when He will again pour out on all the world His final wrath predicted known as the tribulation.
Yet before the predicted time of the occurrence of the beginning of this agony, there will happen a super natural manifestation of the pouring out for all living souls God’s final act of His Grace. His making available for all to receive His Holy Spirit by calling on the name of Jesus to save them, and by doing so, will be spared from having to endure the terrible wrath of God, and the period of tribulation, for the integrity of Jesus is faithful to His word to come and receive all that have called His name for salvation, and believing in your hart for Him to do what He has proclaimed, and do not doubt, He will do everything that He has promised He would do.
The issue before you this day is, ‘when’ , and is it too late? The answer is no, it is not too late, but you do not have the luxury of time as I did. All the signs Jesus predicted to precede the initiation of this momentous change have occurred except the rapture, and the exposure of the anti Christ, therefore the beginning of the end can begin at any time that He chooses. With that said, take heed and prepare yourself to meet your God, Jesus face to face in the not too distant future.